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Professional hospitality returns "live" at Host2021. With more than 1100 exhibitors representing 40 countries and a menu of over 800 events

Host Milano 2021

• The appointment will be "in presence" and in full safety at fieramilano from 22 to 26 October 2021             

• For the out-of-home. The first quarter of 2021 showed the first signs of recovery, especially for Professional Catering and Tableware          

• In order to exploit synergies between similar and complementary sectors, HostMilano will be held in conjunction with TUTTOFOOD      

• Professional Catering, Bar Coffee machines Vending and Tableware Technology are the sectors with the highest growth

• Among the scheduled events, should be highlighted the Smart Label Innovation Award and Luxury Pastry by Iginio Massari

Milan, 14 July 2021. The world of all together once again and within a single event. From Professional Catering to the art of baking, from the Bar Coffee machines Vending sector to Ice Cream, Pastry and Confectionery and Tableware Technology, the place-to-be for celebrating the recovery of the entire sector will be "in presence", and in complete safety, at HostMilano (fieramilano, from 22 to 26 October 2021). A true global equipment hub, now at its 42nd edition, which will feature all key players in the world of professional hospitality. All of them ready not only to observe closely the new products, but above all to come together "live" after so many months, discussing the possible future scenarios at the very moment in which the out-of-home is regaining confidence.

Out-of-home: the recovery has already begun

After the difficulties of recent months, the time has finally come for the world of professional hospitality to turn a new page. That’s what comes up from the data of ExportPlanning, according to which the first quarter of 2021 has already shown a strong acceleration of the global trade for the Professional Catering segment (+22.8% for values in euro compared to the first quarter of 2020 and - even more importantly - +23% compared to the corresponding period of 2019). Also the Tableware segment has returned to the positive sign, recording an increase of +11.1% compared to the first quarter of 2020 and a +5.7% compared to the first quarter of 2019.

Similar trends were also recorded by Italian exports during the first three months of the year: for example, the Made in Italy linked to Professional Catering saw a strong recovery (+20.8% for values in euro compared to the corresponding period of 2020 and +7.5% compared to the same period of 2019), as well as the Tableware segment; the latter, after a 2020 with Italian exports in decline (-6.2%), showed a recovery of over 11 percentage points in the first quarter of 2021, and of more than 5 points with respect to the levels of 2019.

And what about the future? Forecasts - formulated on the basis of the latest edition of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook - indicate a return to accelerated rates of development for the period 2021-2024, with particular reference to global trade. The most dynamic segments will once again be Professional Catering (average annual growth of +6.9% in 2021-'24) and those related to the Coffee machines Vending segment (+7% average annual growth). With respect to Italian exports, the positive trends will concern all sectors (even if with slower increases compared to the world average), with particular regard to the areas of Coffee machines Vending and Bakery Confectionery.                         

More than 1100 companies, almost one out of two is foreign                                       

To keep up with its tradition, the 2021 edition of Hostmilano promises to be the ideal marketplace where to meet all the most important realities of professional hospitality, starting from the 1100 exhibitors who have already confirmed their presence. Coming from 40 different countries (including markets such as Germany, France, Spain, USA, Portugal, Holland, Greece and the United Kingdom), and with an internationality rate on the total number of exhibitors of almost 40%.
Areas such as Professional Catering (38%), Bar Coffee machines Vending (33%) and Tableware Technology (18%), together account for 89% of the event.          

And then, just to name a few, companies of the calibre of Ali Group, Sirman, True Refrigeration and Viessmann (Catering); Tagliavini, Italforni, Sigma, Atollspeed and FM Caleffacion (Bread Pizza Pasta); Babbi, Cesarin, Criocabin, Jordan, Valmar (Ice Cream confectionery); Gruppo Cimbali, Nuova Simonelli, Evoca Group, Blendtec, Marco Beverage System (Bar Coffee machines Vending); Hausbrandt, Caffè Borbone, Gruppo IMA, Bramati, Global Coffee Industries, Ahlstrom-Munksjo (Coffee Tea); Bormioli, Sambonet, Tognana, Rosenthal, Dibbern (Tableware); Costa Group, Pedrali, Zucchetti Horeca (Furniture).

Also thanks to the continuous support of ICE/ITA Agency, is expected an important presence of buyers from areas of particular interest (at the moment around 600), to be added to those who will participate thanks to the many partnerships that HostMilano has signed with some of the most important international associations: AFEHC, Restaurants Canada, BAC - Baking Association of Canada , IDC - Interior Designers of Canada, NEWH - The Hospitality Industry Network, OCSA - Ontario Convenience Store Association, AQDA Association Quebecoise des Dépanneurs en Alimentation, CAMA - Canadian Automatic Merchandising Association), FEDA – Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association, SEFA – Supply and Equipment Foodservice Alliance, NYCHA – New York City Hospitality Association, NEWH – The Hospitality Industry Network, ACHIGA – Chilean Gastronomy Association, ACODRES – Colombian Association of the Gastronomic Industry, Mexican Restaurant Association, FEHGRA – Argentine Federation of Hotel and Food Service Professionals, FCSI.

HostMilano and TUTTOFOOD will be held simultaneously

“An event for which being there in presence will be crucial. Because at a time like this, it is essential to see what's new and "try it out" in the field, as well as to get back with traditional partners and meet new ones”. And again: “The chance of having the exhibitors of Host and TUTTOFOOD within the same event will allow to evaluate even better the new consumer habits developed after the pandemic, understanding closely the possible areas of hybridization”. The buyers taking part to Host2021 have no doubts: whether they are European, from overseas or from new markets such as the Middle East, all the pavilions at Rho Fiera will offer the opportunity to observe innovation in all its forms, as well as to intercept the trends of tomorrow. And not just that, the possibility of taking advantage of the simultaneity with TUTTOFOOD, the leading event within the agri-food ecosystem, makes it possible to exploit the existing synergies between two highly complementary sectors such as the agri-food and hospitality.

A goal that this year can be achieved more easily thanks to an additional "plus": the virtual appendix of the mymatching platform, with open agendas and pre-scheduled meetings with selected exhibitors that will increase the possibilities of networking.
Not to mention the fact that exhibitors and visitors will once again be able to benefit from the safety protocols already tested last September, which include the numerous structural interventions carried out in the physical space of the exhibition centre.

Events: spotlight on SMART Label and Iginio Massari

Faithful to its tradition as a trendsetter for all the supply chains, the next edition of Hostmilano will also offer, alongside with business opportunities, an agenda of over 800 events - national and international competitions, show-cooking, in-depth seminars - divided among its macro-areas.     

The place of honour, as tradition dictates, belongs to the great showcase of SMART Label - Host Innovation Award, the competition open to all innovative companies; organised by Fiera Milano and HostMilano in collaboration with POLI.Design Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano (Milan Polytechnic Consortium) with the patronage of ADI - Associazione Italiana per il Disegno Industriale (Italian Association for Industrial Design). This year were submitted 79 candidatures, with more than half of the aspiring winners coming from the Food service equipment and the Bar, Coffee machines, Vending segment. Among the trends emerging from the "submissions", some of the tendencies that will shape tomorrow's industry couldn’t be missing: from energy saving to the use of green materials and solutions; from the focus on hygiene to that on user-friendly technological solutions, from the renewed attention to customization and personalization to the flexibility of product use.  

Is also confirmed the appointment with "Luxury Pastry in the World" by Iginio Massari, the concept created by the Master of Italian and international pastry that puts together some of the most important interpreters of the sweet industry. To remain in the world of pastry, the Fiera Milano pavilions will also host the international championships organised by the FIPGC (International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream, Chocolate and Confectionery) with the Tiramisù World Championship and the new concept of International Pastry Award, which will crown the "top" pastry chefs in competition. The "sweetest" programme of the event will be closed by Art Gallery, with the showcase of more than 200 works and live activities by Italian and international pastry chefs; and by the event The best Pastry chef in the World, with the presence of the FIPGC’s excellence teams including 18 World Champions who will parade sharing their views on the future of pastry at international level.                                         

Another event not to be missed is the Panettone World Championship, organized by the Academy of Masters of Mother Yeast and Italian Panettone. Again within the macro sector dedicated to Bread Pizza Pasta, should not be missed the initiatives put into place by the Confcommercio Bakers Association of Milan and Province that will host the Bakery Academy. Show-cooking and tastings will also animate the stand hosted by the pasta makers members of A.P.Pa.Fre. - Association of Small/Medium Fresh Pasta Producers that will present their products during the five days of the event.
Pizza e Pasta Italiana will instead present a new format: Slices - Pizza Culture for professionals.

Seminars, show-cooking and debates to be tasted and shared: "Slices" of organizational culture and processing techniques dedicated to pizza professionals.

ALTOGA, the Italian National Association of Coffee Roasters, Importers and Food Wholesalers, proposes an agenda full of contests and events and will animate the Coffee Bar area with the 7th Grand Prix of Italian Coffee Bars, the 2nd World Championship of Latte Art Grading and the tastings of Coffee addition - the itinerary event and coffee tasting corner.

More "discoveries" to come on the Catering front, where FIPE - Italian Federation of Public Establishments will present Ristorazione 4.0, a privileged Observatory on digital innovation in the sector, which will share the stage with seminars on the future of Hospitality organized by FCSI - Foodservice Consultants Society International.

The renewed collaboration with APCI Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani (Association of Professional Italian Chefs) will propose, together with Dynamo Lab, the project Horeca Digital Academy, a formative path between theory and practice to train the restaurateur of today and tomorrow.

In the beating heart of the fair, an important space for learning, meeting and updating will be offered by the Food - Technology Lounge, the reference point for Made in Italy technologies of Food and Ho.Re.Ca., made available by ANIMA Confindustria Meccanica Varia with its associations Aqua Italia, Assofoodtec, Fiac, Uida, and by EFCEM Italia, together with the synergy of ICIM Group and Eurovent.

Finally, Digital Talks will be back for the 2021 edition of Host, a series of in-depth seminars conceived in collaboration with, and aimed at architects and experts of the sector in search of opportunities for professional updating; at the centre of discussions, the most topical themes applied to the professional hospitality sector.